Get PrEP & DoxyPEP online

Get PrEP & DoxyPEP prescribed online

Stay safe from HIV and other STIs with Freddie, America's #1 Rated PrEP Provider.


Trustpilot virtual PrEP providers as of 4/30/24

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Just a few steps to get PrEP & DoxyPEP delivered

Il faut parfois plus de 10 étapes pour obtenir la PrEP en personne. Freddie vous aide à l'obtenir en seulement 3 étapes.

Book Your Free Appointment


Book your free appointment

Complete a quick assessment and book a free call with an expert Freddie clinician.


Effectuez vos travaux de laboratoire

Lab tests will determine if PrEP and DoxyPEP are safe for you (they are for most people).


Get your PrEP & DoxyPEP

Have your prescriptions discreetly delivered or pick it up at your local pharmacy.


Rechargez quand vous n'en avez plus

Get refills of your PrEP and DoxyPEP prescriptions whenever you need them.

Book Your Free Appointment

How PrEP & DoxyPEP protect you from STIs

PrEP and DoxyPEP are two different medications that prevent different STIs. Taking both as recommended by your clinician makes sex safer.

  • PrEP prevents HIV with up to 99% efficacy when taken as prescribed.
  • DoxyPEP reduces your risk of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia when taken within 72 hours after having condomless sex.
DoxyPEP is not a replacement for PrEP. DoxyPEP is only available to patients who also get PrEP from Freddie.

Les patients de Freddie ont de bonnes choses à dire

How Freddie provides $0 prescriptions

Freddie s'associe à des organisations communautaires dans chacun des États qu'il dessert pour proposer des consultations, des tests de laboratoire à domicile et la délivrance d'ordonnances entièrement gratuits.

If you have private health insurance, you can likely receive your  prescriptions from Freddie for $0. Not sure? Book a free appointment and talk to us — we’ll help you figure things out.

Rencontrez votre équipe d'experts cliniques

Notre équipe d'experts en PrEP s'engage à vous fournir des soins de haute qualité, sans jugement, sans que cela ne vous coûte quoi que ce soit.

Dr Husein Moloo
Co-founder and CEO (he/him)

Husein a cofondé Freddie avec pour mission de faciliter l'accès de tous à la PrEP et à la prévention du VIH.

Image de Caley Shukalek sur fond transparent
Dr Caley Shukalek
Chief Medical Officer (he/him)

Caley est passionné par les soins fondés sur des données probantes et centrés sur le patient, y compris la télémédecine de haute qualité.

Image de Grant Picarillo sur fond transparent
Grant Picarillo
Senior Clinical Practice Lead (he/him)

Grant est passionné par la santé des LGBTQ2S+, la prévention et le traitement du VIH, et les soins d'affirmation de genre.


FAQs about PrEP & DoxyPEP

Got even more questions? Read our in-depth explainers:

What is PrEP?

PrEP est l'abréviation de prophylaxie pré-exposition.

Il s'agit d'une pilule de prévention du VIH à prendre une fois par jour qui réduit le risque de contracter le VIH jusqu'à 99 %. La présence du médicament dans votre circulation sanguine empêche le VIH de s'installer, ce qui vous permet de rester séronégatif.

What is DoxyPEP?

DoxyPEP is short for doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis.

It’s a medication that reduces your risk of contracting syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea when taken after a potential exposure, such as having unprotected (condomless) anal, oral or vaginal intercourse. You take it within 72 hours after having condomless sex.

Are PrEP and DoxyPEP right for me?

PrEP is recommended for persons with the highest risk of HIV infection, including (but not limited to):

  • Les hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes et des femmes transgenres

  • Les hommes et les femmes hétérosexuels qui ont une exposition à risque élevé pour le VIH (tel que le fait d’avoir un partenaire avec une infection au VIH connue, les travailleurs du sexe, ou le fait d’avoir des relations sexuelles avec une personne à haut risque pour le VIH)

  • Les personnes qui s'injectent des drogues.

DoxyPEP is currently only recommended for men who have sex with men, trans women and other gender-diverse people born with a penis. Additionally, DoxyPEP may be right for you if you:

  • have had a bacterial STI in the past year and have had condomless anal or oral sexual contact with ≥ 1 cis male or trans female partner in the past year

  • have a history of syphilis infection

  • have had multiple cis male or trans female sex partners in the prior year, even if you have not previously been diagnosed with an STI

How much do PrEP and DoxyPEP cost?
  • If you have health insurance, PrEP is likely available to you for free, as the Affordable Care Act mandates that most health insurance plans provide PrEP at no cost. Freddie partners with Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to provide clinical services related to PrEP – such as consultations, at-home lab tests, and prescription delivery – for free as well.

  • DoxyPEP is covered by most private insurance plans. Following your assessment, we'll be able to give you more information on your coverage for DoxyPEP.

How effective are PrEP and DoxyPEP?

PrEP: When PrEP is taken daily, it reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by 99%.

  • La PrEP est très efficace pour les rapports sexuels anaux après la prise quotidienne de la PrEP de manière constante pendant sept jours.

  • La PrEP est très efficace pour les rapports sexuels vaginaux après la prise quotidienne de la PrEP de manière constante pendant 21 jours.

Research also suggests PrEP can reduce the risk of getting HIV from drug injection by 84%, but there is less data around its efficacy.

DoxyPEP: Studies show that in people born with a penis, DoxyPEP reduced the risk of chlamydia by 70-89%, syphilis by 73-87%, and gonorrhea by 51-57% when taken as prescribed.

Où Freddie est-il disponible ?

Freddie is currently available to residents of Florida, New Jersey, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. We hope to expand our offerings to more U.S. states in the near future!

More questions?
Check out our in-depth explainers:

Protect yourself with PrEP & DoxyPEP

Complete a quick self-assessment to find out if PrEP and DoxyPEP are right for you!
